or do you prefer it like this (foreskin back):
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
I've just had cybersex and thought I'd share it
menmad123: hey m8 hows you?
menmad123: nice pic
jamiegreen: good thanx
menmad123: horney??
jamiegreen: yep
jamiegreen: u
menmad123: always m8
menmad123: what you into??
menmad123: love sucking wanking rimming
fucking being fucked
menmad123: love outdoors
menmad123: groups
jamiegreen: most stuff
jamiegreen: cool
jamiegreen: u naked?
menmad123: poppers
menmad123: fam fun
menmad123: and hot horney roleplays
jamiegreen: mmmmmm
menmad123: yeah
jamiegreen: sounds interesting
menmad123: starkers
menmad123: what u up for today??
jamiegreen: a good wank
menmad123: know the feeling
menmad123: when you lget some cock
action last?
jamiegreen: with a guy - last tuesday
menmad123: u bi?
jamiegreen: yep
jamiegreen: u
menmad123: bi aswell
menmad123: but pref cock fun
menmad123: like to fuck the odd pussy
when cocks not available
jamiegreen: cool
menmad123: u into roleplays??
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: wot u got in mind?
menmad123: str8 m8s
menmad123: bros
menmad123: changing rooms
jamiegreen: sounds good
menmad123: which you pref?
jamiegreen: changing rooms
menmad123: sounds good to me
menmad123: so you are last to leave
changing room
menmad123: I am the fitness instructor and
am locking up
menmad123: I come into the changing
room to you
menmad123: hey there m8
jamiegreen: hey there
menmad123: have a good workout??
jamiegreen: yeah thanx
menmad123: ( am wearing tight shorts and
menmad123: havent seen you about here
before are you new??
jamiegreen: yeah first time
menmad123: very good
menmad123: so what you think of it so far?
jamiegreen: ive enjoyed it
menmad123: ( fuck this guy si fucking hot)
jamiegreen: a good hard workout
menmad123: yeah youve a good body
there aswell
jamiegreen: thanx m8
menmad123: u mustve been training hard
jamiegreen: yeah i workout every day
menmad123: good for you
menmad123: I must keep and eye out for
menmad123: if you ever need anything
please ask me
menmad123: my name is shane btw
menmad123: ( I go to shake your hand)
jamiegreen: i will shane
menmad123: are you nearlly done here?
jamiegreen: (he's fuckin hot, im thinking)
jamiegreen: i was gonna shower
menmad123: go on ahead ive to have a
quick shower aswell before I finish if
thats ok
jamiegreen: ok
jamiegreen: no probs
menmad123: take your time theres no
jamiegreen: (i start to get undressed)
menmad123: ( I take off t shirt)
jamiegreen: (am wearing a T, tight short
and a jock)
menmad123: ( wow he has one fine body
,wonder if he likes cock)
jamiegreen: u workout?
jamiegreen: (i remove my T)
menmad123: ( I stare at yoru crotch as you
jamiegreen: (I pull my shorts down)
jamiegreen: (my jock is pretty damp with
jamiegreen: (wow he has a good bod)
jamiegreen: so where are the showers?
jamiegreen: (i'm standing naked now with
my towel)
menmad123: shit sorry m8
jamiegreen: ]y?
menmad123: they are over there to the
menmad123: was day dreaming there
jamiegreen: ok no probs m8
menmad123: ( wow what a nice cock he
has aswell)
jamiegreen: im gonna shower now
menmad123: I'll not be long after you
jamiegreen: ok
menmad123: ( I whip off shorts and my 7"
soft cock falls out)
jamiegreen: (i glance and see his cock -
menmad123: ( iI follow you into shower)
menmad123: so have you and yoru famliy
moved here m8?
jamiegreen: yeah last week
menmad123: ( I stand in shower next to
you, now and then glancing at your
menmad123: u married then?
jamiegreen: no m8
menmad123: ( yes)
menmad123: so have you tasted the
nightlife around here yet?
jamiegreen: not yet
jamiegreen: wots it like
menmad123: bet yove seen a few hot birds
jamiegreen: well, i suppose
menmad123: ( I begin to wash cock and
balls while checking you out and
chatting to you)
menmad123: its ok depends where you go
and what your into really (wink)
jamiegreen: (wow these showers are hot
for checkin out guys)
jamiegreen: like the showers here
jamiegreen: my old gym had individual
menmad123: ( smiling )
jamiegreen: it was a bit cramped
menmad123: ah these are much better
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: so does it get busy?
menmad123: more room to move around
and see everything
menmad123: yeah it does be busy but
evenings are quietest
jamiegreen: (god he's forward)
menmad123: the saunas a steam roos are
good aswell
menmad123: u tried them yet?
jamiegreen: not yet
menmad123: id say you'll like them
jamiegreen: u mind if i just shave
menmad123: ( my cock hardens a bit as i
wash it)
menmad123: no prob m8 work away
jamiegreen: (i start to lather up my balls)
menmad123: ( I bend over for soap as u do
jamiegreen: i didn't mean my face
menmad123: ( taking m y time)
menmad123: (FUCK)
jamiegreen: (mmmm nice)
menmad123: ah em ok
menmad123: u mean you balls m8?
jamiegreen: i always do them after a
menmad123: no prob go on ahead
jamiegreen: and behind them
menmad123: cant beat clean shaved balls
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: u always do them yourself??
jamiegreen: (i start shaving)
jamiegreen: yeah most times but ......
menmad123: you not afriad of cutting your
jamiegreen: no
menmad123: yeah?
jamiegreen: but i can't really do my ass
menmad123: you do your ass aswell?
menmad123: ( fuck this guys is horney and
jamiegreen: doesn't everyone/
jamiegreen: i mean we all did at school
menmad123: true yea I normally let
someone do my ass fo rme m8
menmad123: yeah
jamiegreen: (thnak god)
jamiegreen: (i finish my balls)
menmad123: if you want I'll help you out
menmad123: ( cock hardening more now)
menmad123: look good from here m8
jamiegreen: say u wouldn' help me would u
jamiegreen: thnax
menmad123: so how you want it done
jamiegreen: basically all off in my crack
jamiegreen: i feel kinda embarassed
menmad123: listen dont worry i did a
massage course last year so ive seen it
all m8
jamiegreen: cool
jamiegreen: (my cock stiffens)
menmad123: and I like smooth ass myself
as I have one ( I turn around an
dspread my cheeks for you)
menmad123: see
jamiegreen: say I'm sorry but my cock has
a mind of its own
menmad123: ( wow hes up for it im sure)
jamiegreen: nice one
jamiegreen: so u have a gf?
menmad123: here check out mine im the
menmad123: no m8
jamiegreen: cool
menmad123: pref being single
jamiegreen: (wow i'm gonna enjoy this
menmad123: u want me to soap you up a
jamiegreen: please
jamiegreen: (i part my legs)
menmad123: ( run my hands between your
ass cheeks and soap you up stopping
over your hole)
menmad123: bet the grils love this ass m8
jamiegreen: (thats feels sooooo good)
jamiegreen: er well .......
menmad123: bend over a small bit more
jamiegreen: ok
menmad123: wanna get at it all for you
jamiegreen: like this
menmad123: ( oh yeah thats nice really
jamiegreen: (how do i tell him?)
menmad123: ( fuck hes so hot and what I
hole I want it)
menmad123: I start shaving your hole
jamiegreen: thnax
jamiegreen: feels good
menmad123: and up and down yoru ass
menmad123: hows that for you m8
menmad123: ( my cock now rock hard)
jamiegreen: (I'd rather his cock was there)
jamiegreen: (i move backwards)
menmad123: steady there m8
jamiegreen: sorry
menmad123: god knows where I could end
menmad123: up your ass preferably
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: (god he wants me)
menmad123: ( I finish shaving it and run
my hand over the inisde)
jamiegreen: ooohhhhhhh
menmad123: that feels nice and smooth
now m8 ( leaving my finger rubbing
your hole)
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: u like it??
jamiegreen: great service
jamiegreen: yeah i like it
menmad123: ( I take your hand and place
it oon my cock) y
menmad123: you like this?
jamiegreen: (wow itssohard)
jamiegreen: er, yeah
menmad123: ( I ease my finger up your
hole a bit more)
jamiegreen: mmmmmm
menmad123: m8 I love your hole
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: this service could get better if
ur up for it and judging by yoru cock
you are >?
jamiegreen: well, u seem to be
jamiegreen: (i want that cock)
menmad123: I move closer to you adn
place my cock over yoru hole and pull
you to me)
menmad123: u up for this m8??
jamiegreen: mmmmm that feels good
jamiegreen: fuck me
menmad123: though youd never ask m8
menmad123: I push you over and easemy
cock inside you
jamiegreen: aaahhhhhh
jamiegreen: that feels good
jamiegreen: you are filling me up
menmad123: deeper and deeper
menmad123: grabbing your hips I start
fucking u
jamiegreen: fuck me harder
jamiegreen: i'm leaking precum
jamiegreen: cum inside me
menmad123: nice pic
jamiegreen: good thanx
menmad123: horney??
jamiegreen: yep
jamiegreen: u
menmad123: always m8
menmad123: what you into??
menmad123: love sucking wanking rimming
fucking being fucked
menmad123: love outdoors
menmad123: groups
jamiegreen: most stuff
jamiegreen: cool
jamiegreen: u naked?
menmad123: poppers
menmad123: fam fun
menmad123: and hot horney roleplays
jamiegreen: mmmmmm
menmad123: yeah
jamiegreen: sounds interesting
menmad123: starkers
menmad123: what u up for today??
jamiegreen: a good wank
menmad123: know the feeling
menmad123: when you lget some cock
action last?
jamiegreen: with a guy - last tuesday
menmad123: u bi?
jamiegreen: yep
jamiegreen: u
menmad123: bi aswell
menmad123: but pref cock fun
menmad123: like to fuck the odd pussy
when cocks not available
jamiegreen: cool
menmad123: u into roleplays??
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: wot u got in mind?
menmad123: str8 m8s
menmad123: bros
menmad123: changing rooms
jamiegreen: sounds good
menmad123: which you pref?
jamiegreen: changing rooms
menmad123: sounds good to me
menmad123: so you are last to leave
changing room
menmad123: I am the fitness instructor and
am locking up
menmad123: I come into the changing
room to you
menmad123: hey there m8
jamiegreen: hey there
menmad123: have a good workout??
jamiegreen: yeah thanx
menmad123: ( am wearing tight shorts and
menmad123: havent seen you about here
before are you new??
jamiegreen: yeah first time
menmad123: very good
menmad123: so what you think of it so far?
jamiegreen: ive enjoyed it
menmad123: ( fuck this guy si fucking hot)
jamiegreen: a good hard workout
menmad123: yeah youve a good body
there aswell
jamiegreen: thanx m8
menmad123: u mustve been training hard
jamiegreen: yeah i workout every day
menmad123: good for you
menmad123: I must keep and eye out for
menmad123: if you ever need anything
please ask me
menmad123: my name is shane btw
menmad123: ( I go to shake your hand)
jamiegreen: i will shane
menmad123: are you nearlly done here?
jamiegreen: (he's fuckin hot, im thinking)
jamiegreen: i was gonna shower
menmad123: go on ahead ive to have a
quick shower aswell before I finish if
thats ok
jamiegreen: ok
jamiegreen: no probs
menmad123: take your time theres no
jamiegreen: (i start to get undressed)
menmad123: ( I take off t shirt)
jamiegreen: (am wearing a T, tight short
and a jock)
menmad123: ( wow he has one fine body
,wonder if he likes cock)
jamiegreen: u workout?
jamiegreen: (i remove my T)
menmad123: ( I stare at yoru crotch as you
jamiegreen: (I pull my shorts down)
jamiegreen: (my jock is pretty damp with
jamiegreen: (wow he has a good bod)
jamiegreen: so where are the showers?
jamiegreen: (i'm standing naked now with
my towel)
menmad123: shit sorry m8
jamiegreen: ]y?
menmad123: they are over there to the
menmad123: was day dreaming there
jamiegreen: ok no probs m8
menmad123: ( wow what a nice cock he
has aswell)
jamiegreen: im gonna shower now
menmad123: I'll not be long after you
jamiegreen: ok
menmad123: ( I whip off shorts and my 7"
soft cock falls out)
jamiegreen: (i glance and see his cock -
menmad123: ( iI follow you into shower)
menmad123: so have you and yoru famliy
moved here m8?
jamiegreen: yeah last week
menmad123: ( I stand in shower next to
you, now and then glancing at your
menmad123: u married then?
jamiegreen: no m8
menmad123: ( yes)
menmad123: so have you tasted the
nightlife around here yet?
jamiegreen: not yet
jamiegreen: wots it like
menmad123: bet yove seen a few hot birds
jamiegreen: well, i suppose
menmad123: ( I begin to wash cock and
balls while checking you out and
chatting to you)
menmad123: its ok depends where you go
and what your into really (wink)
jamiegreen: (wow these showers are hot
for checkin out guys)
jamiegreen: like the showers here
jamiegreen: my old gym had individual
menmad123: ( smiling )
jamiegreen: it was a bit cramped
menmad123: ah these are much better
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: so does it get busy?
menmad123: more room to move around
and see everything
menmad123: yeah it does be busy but
evenings are quietest
jamiegreen: (god he's forward)
menmad123: the saunas a steam roos are
good aswell
menmad123: u tried them yet?
jamiegreen: not yet
menmad123: id say you'll like them
jamiegreen: u mind if i just shave
menmad123: ( my cock hardens a bit as i
wash it)
menmad123: no prob m8 work away
jamiegreen: (i start to lather up my balls)
menmad123: ( I bend over for soap as u do
jamiegreen: i didn't mean my face
menmad123: ( taking m y time)
menmad123: (FUCK)
jamiegreen: (mmmm nice)
menmad123: ah em ok
menmad123: u mean you balls m8?
jamiegreen: i always do them after a
menmad123: no prob go on ahead
jamiegreen: and behind them
menmad123: cant beat clean shaved balls
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: u always do them yourself??
jamiegreen: (i start shaving)
jamiegreen: yeah most times but ......
menmad123: you not afriad of cutting your
jamiegreen: no
menmad123: yeah?
jamiegreen: but i can't really do my ass
menmad123: you do your ass aswell?
menmad123: ( fuck this guys is horney and
jamiegreen: doesn't everyone/
jamiegreen: i mean we all did at school
menmad123: true yea I normally let
someone do my ass fo rme m8
menmad123: yeah
jamiegreen: (thnak god)
jamiegreen: (i finish my balls)
menmad123: if you want I'll help you out
menmad123: ( cock hardening more now)
menmad123: look good from here m8
jamiegreen: say u wouldn' help me would u
jamiegreen: thnax
menmad123: so how you want it done
jamiegreen: basically all off in my crack
jamiegreen: i feel kinda embarassed
menmad123: listen dont worry i did a
massage course last year so ive seen it
all m8
jamiegreen: cool
jamiegreen: (my cock stiffens)
menmad123: and I like smooth ass myself
as I have one ( I turn around an
dspread my cheeks for you)
menmad123: see
jamiegreen: say I'm sorry but my cock has
a mind of its own
menmad123: ( wow hes up for it im sure)
jamiegreen: nice one
jamiegreen: so u have a gf?
menmad123: here check out mine im the
menmad123: no m8
jamiegreen: cool
menmad123: pref being single
jamiegreen: (wow i'm gonna enjoy this
menmad123: u want me to soap you up a
jamiegreen: please
jamiegreen: (i part my legs)
menmad123: ( run my hands between your
ass cheeks and soap you up stopping
over your hole)
menmad123: bet the grils love this ass m8
jamiegreen: (thats feels sooooo good)
jamiegreen: er well .......
menmad123: bend over a small bit more
jamiegreen: ok
menmad123: wanna get at it all for you
jamiegreen: like this
menmad123: ( oh yeah thats nice really
jamiegreen: (how do i tell him?)
menmad123: ( fuck hes so hot and what I
hole I want it)
menmad123: I start shaving your hole
jamiegreen: thnax
jamiegreen: feels good
menmad123: and up and down yoru ass
menmad123: hows that for you m8
menmad123: ( my cock now rock hard)
jamiegreen: (I'd rather his cock was there)
jamiegreen: (i move backwards)
menmad123: steady there m8
jamiegreen: sorry
menmad123: god knows where I could end
menmad123: up your ass preferably
jamiegreen: yeah
jamiegreen: (god he wants me)
menmad123: ( I finish shaving it and run
my hand over the inisde)
jamiegreen: ooohhhhhhh
menmad123: that feels nice and smooth
now m8 ( leaving my finger rubbing
your hole)
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: u like it??
jamiegreen: great service
jamiegreen: yeah i like it
menmad123: ( I take your hand and place
it oon my cock) y
menmad123: you like this?
jamiegreen: (wow itssohard)
jamiegreen: er, yeah
menmad123: ( I ease my finger up your
hole a bit more)
jamiegreen: mmmmmm
menmad123: m8 I love your hole
jamiegreen: thanx
menmad123: this service could get better if
ur up for it and judging by yoru cock
you are >?
jamiegreen: well, u seem to be
jamiegreen: (i want that cock)
menmad123: I move closer to you adn
place my cock over yoru hole and pull
you to me)
menmad123: u up for this m8??
jamiegreen: mmmmm that feels good
jamiegreen: fuck me
menmad123: though youd never ask m8
menmad123: I push you over and easemy
cock inside you
jamiegreen: aaahhhhhh
jamiegreen: that feels good
jamiegreen: you are filling me up
menmad123: deeper and deeper
menmad123: grabbing your hips I start
fucking u
jamiegreen: fuck me harder
jamiegreen: i'm leaking precum
jamiegreen: cum inside me
Sunday, February 17, 2008
My overseas trip
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
I'm overseas
I'm currently away with work. Arrived here last night after a 12 hour flight. Caught up with the last few podcasts from Violet Blue at tinny nibbles on the flight. Great way to pass the time but it was a good job I had a blanket over myself as I was pretty well turned on by her - she has a really sexy voice - and I was tenting my trousers! I had to adjust myself a few times just like the guy below.

Saturday, February 02, 2008
Friday, February 01, 2008
A Little Austrian Town Named . . . . .
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